Private Cloud
In addition to data center services, we provide full-process closed-loop private cloud solutions, including Elastic Container Service, cloud storage, SDN/NFV network, cloud databases, big data and security services, for more convenient and stable IT system environments.
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Competitive Features
Cluster Resources
Ensures up to 99.99% availability through server cluster, storage array and network device cluster redundancy
Data Security
Periodically backs up data through cloud computing multi-node automatic redundancy technology
Allows adjustments to CPU, memory, disk, and bandwidth configurations based on service requirements
Image Backups
Restores data with one click in the event of a failure, using snapshot backups by virtual servers
Application Scenarios
User-specific Cloud Services
China Unicom provides users with customer-specific cloud computing services in scenarios where they cannot use public cloud solutions due to factors such as policies, regulations, and data confidentiality.
Enquiry Form
Please fill in your contact information and requirements. An account manager will contact you shortly for a professional consultation to help you devise a customized plan that meets your needs.
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China DIA及 Global DIA 可在中国境内外,以自有网络平台为您提供专属IP地址,以独享带寛优质访问全球互联网内容。同时,我们也可为您提供端到端数据线路、网络规划设计、引接工程实施、售后支撑等。

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